We Have Acquired the High River New Holland Dealership from Moody’s Equipment LP

We are excited to announce that we have recently acquired Moody’s Equipment (New Holland) based in High River, AB. The official acquisition date was September 29, 2018 and things are running smoothly already.

It is our firm belief that this merger will bring about only positive changes for everyone. It will certainly make the company stronger and more competitive in the market, and the increased resources will ensure that we are more capable of providing quality customer service in all aspects. It is our hope that joining these two great forces together will mean greater things and a brighter future for all connected.

You will continue to work with the same people you have in the past and we will continue to offer the same services. We will continue to operate from our current offices and make sure that the necessary steps are taken so we won’t lose any of our current clients’ information and hope to make the transition as smooth as possible for all involved.

We hope that you are as excited as we are about the merger. We are looking forward to the numerous benefits that we can all gain from taking this step. If you have any more questions about this, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We greatly appreciate your cooperation while we prepare things and adjust to a multibranch operation and look forward to continued business and earning new patronage.